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Home : Classifieds : eBay : 500 45s on Ebay - Soul, Funk, R&B, Latin etc

500 45s on Ebay - Soul, Funk, R&B, Latin etc

Posted by: kidinquisitive   Aug 08, 2015

Hi Folks, I have more than 500 45s up for bids at the moment, including lots of funk, northern soul, crossover, modern, mod r&b/popcorn, Latin, gospel, garage, rockabilly, power pop, punk and much more. Soundclips are available for each record. All listings started at $5.99 and domestic shipping is just $3.50 for as many 45s as you can win (outside the U.S. is just $10 for 1-3 45s or $12 for 4-5!) Thanks for looking.