The Archive

Hand picked records important to the history of Soul Strut.

 - Flavor

  • Mike Selesia

    Flavor LP (1976)

    Not On Label

Review by Justin Torres circa 2004 for the defunct Soul Strut ISH feature.

Found this while digging in Fresno. Grabbed it because the cover and the price ($4) was too nice a combo to leave behind. Got back home and played it. Wow! Free at moments and funky at others this record has a lot of good songs. I started (and still am) searching for him but after talking to his family and friends all leads I was given turned out cold. After that I tracked down the musicians that played on the record. After some interesting conversations with them (only 100 copies made but I did find another one in Monterey at a thrift). The best story that accompanies the record is this: All the musicians received the sheet music from Mike two days before recording. He wrote all the music for each musician and for each instrument. On the day of recording, before playing, all the musicians popped an Opium laced Tootsie-Roll that Mike provided. The sounds that you hear are what the result of that experiment was.

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